Not many people does know where they should look for Carretera Austral. This southern part of Chile is not so famous. Or for sure not so famous like main country tourist attractions San Pedro de Atacama or Torres del Paine.
I was as well heading to those two places and Carretera Austral was only somewhere back in my mind. You need to have a time for visiting this part of the country and ideally your own transportation. I did have the first, but didn’t the second. Well you can walk, hitchhike or sometime use rare public transport. That was exactly what I did at the end.
Even thou there is only one road which cross this part of Chile you can’t expect too much traffic. There are not big cities, roads are mostly not paved what makes this place still quite wild. Wild nature, minimum tourist or unpredictable public transport is just enough to make this place special. Hitchhiking when you wait one or even two days for some car pass by is not something unusual. At the end I didn’t mind so much because only walking and looking around at the nature was simply amazing…
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